Welcome to Content Cow’s blog. This blog is of course dedicated the undisputed king of the marketing world, Content! Long live Content Marketing.
Long Live Content Marketing
Content is without question the driving force behind all great marketing programs, be it SEO, lead generation, influencer programs, public relations, and more. Great content is behind every email blast, whitepaper, customer case study, infographic, award application, speaking application, webinar, press release, contributed article, and every social media post. All content forms are unique, they each have their specific purpose, and yet they support the same message…the same story – your story.
This is what content marketing is all about, and this is why Content Cow exists – to help leading technology companies develop and push out lots of great content to prospects, customers, analysts, and media.
Stay tuned for future blog posts and be sure to follow us on Twitter @ContentCowInc